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Budget Committee Vacancy

The Port of Newport is accepting letters of interest from persons who are registered electors in the Port District to fill two vacancies on the Port Budget Committee.

The budget committee meets publicly to review the Port’s budget as proposed by the Port’s budget officer. The committee receives the proposed budget and the budget message and holds at least one meeting in which the public may ask questions about and comment on the budget.

Interested persons should send a letter of interest to the Port office at 600 SE Bay Blvd, Newport, OR, 97365 or by email to by March 28.

Letters of interest should include:

1. Full name.

2. Physical and mailing addresses, phone number and e-mail address.

3. Amount of time as an elector within the district. (How long you’ve lived at your current address.)

4. A statement of desire to serve on the Committee.

5. Signature and date.