Values & Vision

Values represent the Port’s most deeply held driving forces, which help us determine our highest priorities. They are the foundation on which we as Port Commissioners and as staff conduct ourselves and perform work for the Port. They serve as our guiding principles -- the motivation for our goals, strategies and actions to accomplish our mission. They clarify who we are as the Port of Newport, articulate what we stand for, and express what we deem as acceptable standards for how the Port of Newport interacts with users, customers, partners, and our own team members. Governing Values Leadership. The Port of Newport accepts responsibility for taking the lead role on behalf of the citizens of the Port district in actively pursuing economic progress, which we believe means building and maintaining an economically diverse and thriving community that is resilient in its ability to respond positively to changing conditions and circumstances. Service. Our business is public service – to the commercial and recreational fishing fleets, to the tourist and marine industries, to our lessees and visitors, and to the citizens of the Port District. Our intent is to strive constantly for quality in all the services we provide.
- Collaboration. We pursue and maintain mutually supportive partnerships with our neighbors, including the private sector and local, state and federal government agencies. In the Port’s experience, the greater Newport community owes a significant part of its success to the foundational belief of governments and citizens alike to work with determination toward common goals in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation.
- Accountability. The Port serves as a steward of public resources. We manage our properties in a responsible manner, and support our personnel – our human resources – through regular feedback and evaluations designed to improve competence and performance.
- Sustainability. The Port recognizes that we must manage the resources of the built environment and the natural environment in a manner that does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs. To that end, we will maintain our capital facilities in working order, we will manage the funds entrusted to us wisely, prudently and ethically, and we will maintain policies that guide us in helping nurture a healthy estuary that is the foundation of our working waterfront.
- Optimism. We have confidence in the importance of our mission, and in our ability to overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and pursue our vision through steadfastness of purpose, awareness of our core values, and persistent focus on achievement.

Vision Statement The idea behind a vision statement is to express, more or less in future tense, what we want the Port (and Newport) to be at some future point. Since a mission statement and the Strategic Business Plan itself are typically five-year efforts, the Vision Statement looks a little farther (10 or 20 years) into the future. Our vision expresses what we want to see, what we believe we can accomplish if we stretch our capabilities and aim for the vision.
- Vision: The Port of Newport will serve as the premier Oregon coast port for the commercial fishing fleets, for recreational fishing and tourism, and for ocean observation and marine research support. We will be one of the top two Oregon coast ports for waterborne commerce while protecting and enhancing the beauty and integrity of the natural environment which is the foundation of our working waterfront community.