South Beach Frequently Asked Questions

Are we going to have a lottery system?
No, the lottery system is eliminated. Those with an RV space and Marina slip can sign up for a space as they leave the RV park. For those that have already left the RV Park and Marina, Park staff will contact them to get their reservation information, if they so desire.
Those wanting to stay in the RV Park Long Term without a Moorage Slip, will be allowed to do so in November, by calling the RV park office, first come first served, up to the occupancy specified in each year.
What is the RV Park Three Year Plan?
The plan is to reduce, over a three year period, the percentage of long-term stays and discounts for long-term stays in the RV Park during the Peak Season, April 1 to October 1. Please contact Finance Director Mark Brown at 541.265.7758 if you have more questions.
Is the RV Park Three Year Plan all about the revenue?
Revenue is part of the consideration. The Port has over $63 million (excluding NOAA) in projects to accomplish; over $18 million are in South Beach, this excludes blacktop replacement and replacement of the Docks and Piers (A-J). But there are more considerations. Daily we receive complaints and turn away many customers wanting to stay short term, as a majority of our spaces are filled with long-term guests, some who are only in the park 2-4 days per week.
We have evaluated other public RV parks around the State and currently most of them do not provide long term stays during the busy months. We also have evaluated the revenue provided by the few short-term guests, and compared this to the long-term guest revenue, the short-term guests generate more revenue than long-term guests, although the long-term guests are semi-guaranteed revenue. The Port does not want to eliminate long-term guests, just limit the number, so we can serve the entire population of guests wanting to use the RV park.
How do I make a reservation?
The online reservation system - Online Reservations - Port of Newport or call 541.406.0461 and leave a message.
Who do I contact after hours for an emergency?
Emergencies should be reported to 911. Non-emergencies can be reported to TCB Dispatch at 541-574-2828.
Where do I park my boat or trailer at night?
There is a list of available spots to rent on the front door of the RV Park Office. Check in at the RV Park Office once it opens.
How can I check in after hours or on the weekend?
The RV Park Office is open from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 7 days a week. If you arrive outside of these times, your packet will be placed in the late – arrival box, the large box to the left of the office door in front of the RV Park Office. If you have any questions after hours, you can contact our Park Host in Site 6 of our Marina Park.
I rent several spaces, one for my RV and a Marina Slip, and RV spaces for my family (or friends) for this same period of time. How would I be charged?
In this case, one (1) space is a combo rental, and the remaining spaces are considered single rentals.
How do long-term deposits work?
Terms of payment for long-term RV stays are deposit of 1-month payment at the time of the reservation. Payment must be paid in full at the time of check in or account set up for auto-payment. The deposit is for the last month of the stay. No refunds of 1-month deposits, unless a major illness or death. Credit would be good for a maximum of a 1-year period, and other cancellation fees would then apply.
Where are the showers located?
In the Main Park, the showers are located through the door between sites 3 & 4. Your access code to this area should be on the back of the card provide to you at check in.
Who do I contact if the kiosk is not working right after hours or on the weekend?
Contact TCB at 541.574.2828. Please note the receipt prints into the receipt pocket on the machine each time a card is run. Check the pocket to see if you have a receipt.
Can I moor a boat overnight in an open spot on F Dock without a prior reservation?
Yes. Please check in at the RV Park office once it opens.
What do I do if I have a reservation, but no flags/information was left for me?
Find a spot in the dry camp and check in with the RV Park office once it opens. Find a spot at J Dock and moor and check in with the RV Park office once it opens. If TCB talks to you, tell them the situation.
What parking do I get with my launch permit?
Parking for one vehicle and trailer is included with the Launch Permit for the day of the vessel launch. Please note, the lower and upper moorage parking areas are for annual moorage permit holders parking only. Daily parking areas are designated with signs.
Can I ask questions or report issues at the Marina Store?
The Marina Store is not operated by the Port of Newport. They cannot help in any way with reservations, slip assignment, or any kind of marina or park related issue. Please bring questions or concerns to the RV Park Office.